وتنطلق المشاريع التي يقودها الطلاب من مبادرة الطلاب ويتم زراعتها في المختبر من خلال التوجيه الدقيق والطعام المجاني.



The roboSub is a continuation of the reefRover project, a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.


CHIME – Characterising Human Immunodeficiency in Microgravity Environments explores the effects of Microgravity on Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation.

Glacier gLiDAR is a payload mounted on an autonomous vehicle to scan the surface features of recently-cleaved glacier faces.

Reef Rover

The reefRover is a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather well-structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.

Team NYUAD developed and built a reimagined dwelling for agricultural tourism in the UAE.

يتبع فيلم Burj Shadow دوران أطول ظل في العالم بواسطة دعامة من صنع الإنسان.

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