كابستونيس تتويجا لمدة 4 سنوات من التعليم الهندسي تهدف إلى تدريب طلاب جامعة نيويورك في تطبيق المهارات الهندسية حل المشاكل في مشروع التصميم الهندسي في العالم الحقيقي.


A list of tools, materials, behaviors and methodologies not used in the EDS.

A list of corporate research labs that may be of interest for students and graduates to explore.

1,202 Engineering-related quotes – for inspiration and reflection.

A calendar of events to Get Those Feet Off Saadiyat.

A collection of examples of ways that humans and organizations have collected, codified, and expressed cultures, values, strategies, and passions.

A slightly non-traditional collection of resources for students of engineering as well as anyone curious to connect with the ways engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs think and work.

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