CHIME – Characterising Human Immunodeficiency in Microgravity Environments explores the effects of Microgravity on Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation.
Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018
Team NYUAD developed and built a reimagined dwelling for agricultural tourism in the UAE.
وادي درون
في متنزه وادي وريعة الوطني تحلق طائرتنا فوق الجبال ومن خلال الوديان لاسلكيا لتحميل الصور التي التقطتها مصائد الكاميرا الأرضية التي تلتقط تلقائيا صور الحياة البرية التي تمر أمام جهاز استشعار الحركة الكاميرا.
Glacier gLiDAR
Glacier gLiDAR is a payload mounted on an autonomous vehicle to scan the surface features of recently-cleaved glacier faces.
Reef Rover
The reefRover is a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather well-structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.
RoadWatch provides tools to support safer driving in the UAE.
The roboSub is a continuation of the reefRover project, a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.
برج الظل
يتبع فيلم Burj Shadow دوران أطول ظل في العالم بواسطة دعامة من صنع الإنسان.
Diwali Lights
Diwali Lights shine bright
Log Invent
LogInvent is a novel inventory management system currently being tested inside NYU Abu Dhabi Engineering Design Studio.
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An Essay on Design and Innovation
A collection of examples of ways that humans and organizations have collected, codified, and expressed cultures, values, strategies, and passions.
Patents held by NYUAD students.
Maps of the UAE for both visitors and residents.
1,231 Engineering-related quotes – for inspiration and reflection.
All Kinds of Wrong
A slightly non-traditional collection of resources for students of engineering as well as anyone curious to connect with the ways engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs think and work.