Matthew Karau

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تحت السن القانوني




The roboSub is a continuation of the reefRover project, a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.


CHIME – Characterising Human Immunodeficiency in Microgravity Environments explores the effects of Microgravity on Monocyte to Macrophage Differentiation.

Reef Rover

The reefRover is a submersible drone that autonomously scans marine environments and enables researchers and citizen scientists to collaboratively gather well-structured image data about coral reefs at unprecedented rates.

يتبع فيلم Burj Shadow دوران أطول ظل في العالم بواسطة دعامة من صنع الإنسان.

في متنزه وادي وريعة الوطني تحلق طائرتنا فوق الجبال ومن خلال الوديان لاسلكيا لتحميل الصور التي التقطتها مصائد الكاميرا الأرضية التي تلتقط تلقائيا صور الحياة البرية التي تمر أمام جهاز استشعار الحركة الكاميرا.

الدورات المتخذة

2025 (Spring)

In this offering of the "Manus et Machina" Core Course in Art, Technolgy, and Design, students developed concepts and projects around the theme "Adapt, Augment, Survive".

2023 (January) – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2023 (June) – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2022 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2021 - In this offering of the "Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas" Core Course in Art, Technolgy, and Design, students developed concepts and projects around the theme "Seeking Resilience".

2021 (June) – The first remote offering of the Design and Innovation course introduced engineering design and innovation principles to first year engineering students.

2020 – The NYUAD Engineering Ethics course connects with the Engineers for Social Impact program to develop a broad range of analytical and systematic thinking skills in students as they work with communities and consider the home-grown assets that can lead to innovation.

2020 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2020 - In this offering of the "Manus et Machina" Core Course in Art, Technolgy, and Design, students developed concepts and projects around the theme "Hands Off".

2019 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2018 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2017 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2016 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2015 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2014 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2014 – The NYUAD Engineers for Social Impact program works develop a broad range of analytical and systematic thinking skills in students as they work with communities and consider the home-grown assets that can lead to innovation.

2014 – The NYUAD Engineers for Social Impact program works develop a broad range of analytical and systematic thinking skills in students as they work with communities and consider the home-grown assets that can lead to innovation.

2013 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2011 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.

2010 – The Design and Innovation course is crafted to introduce engineering design principles to first year engineering students.


All Kinds of Wrong

Thoughts on selecting a mouse to navigate the diverse software environments that engineers interact with on a daily basis.


A guide to Displays

Linux Setup

A perpetually-incomplete yet aspirational guide for setting up Linux as your daily driver OS.

An Essay on Design and Innovation

A Google Calendar of the NYU Abu Dhabi Academic Calendar.

A list of tools, materials, behaviors and methodologies not used in the EDS.

A list of corporate research labs that may be of interest for students and graduates to explore.

1,231 Engineering-related quotes – for inspiration and reflection.

A calendar of events to Get Those Feet Off Saadiyat.

A collection of examples of ways that humans and organizations have collected, codified, and expressed cultures, values, strategies, and passions.

A slightly non-traditional collection of resources for students of engineering as well as anyone curious to connect with the ways engineers, innovators, and entrepreneurs think and work.


A selection of podcasts worth listening to.


A selection of 173 YouTube creators worth watching. You're either actively training the algorithm, or it's training you.


Patents held by NYUAD students.

Maps of UAE

Maps of the UAE for both visitors and residents.

EDS Library

The catalogue of books in the Engineering Design Studio library is publicly available on Libib.